The Meaning Behind The Song: Flirt by Cameo

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
FlirtCameoTomi Jenkins & Larry BlackmonAlligator Woman1982PopLarry Blackmon

The song “Flirt” by Cameo, released in 1982, is a catchy pop tune that explores the playful nature of attraction and the thrill of seduction. As the lyrics suggest, it’s about someone who is highly skilled in the art of flirting and enjoys the excitement and possibilities that come with it.

The opening lines of the song, “Everyday is something new with you, Give me time and I’ll know what to do,” reveal the singer’s curiosity and eagerness to explore a budding relationship. They acknowledge that getting to know someone on a deeper level is not always a straightforward task but one that requires time and effort.

The chorus, with its repetitive “Flirt, flirt, flirt, flirt,” serves as a playful nod to the subject matter, emphasizing the carefree and lighthearted spirit of the song. It captures the moment of connection between two people engaged in a playful dance of attraction.

The verses delve further into the subject of flirting, describing the person of interest as both fashionable and unique. The lines, “Very chic yet so unique, From yours head down to your feet,” highlight the physical and aesthetic appeal of the object of the singer’s attention.

Despite the alluring nature of the person being addressed, the lyrics also acknowledge that flirting can be somewhat elusive and challenging. Lines like “Know you much better, It’s not an easy thing to do” and “We know you much better, Its not what you say or what you do” suggest that there may be layers to this individual that require some deciphering.

Personally, I find “Flirt” to be a fun and upbeat song that resonates with me on different levels. While it may primarily center around romantic flirtation, I believe the song can be applied to various aspects of life where one seeks to engage and connect with others.

Flirting, in a broader sense, can symbolize the initial stages of any relationship or interaction. It is about testing the waters, discovering common ground, and establishing a connection. Whether in business, friendships, or even casual encounters, the act of “flirting” allows us to explore and find similarities with others.

Furthermore, “Flirt” reminds me of the joy and excitement that comes from discovering new connections. It captures the giddy feeling of meeting someone who intrigues you, and the anticipation of uncovering all the layers that make them who they are.

As with many songs, the joy of “Flirt” lies not only in its meaning but also in its catchy melody and dance-inducing rhythm. The infectious beat and funky instrumentals make it a classic tune that remains enjoyable to this day.

In conclusion, “Flirt” by Cameo is a lively pop song that celebrates the thrill of attraction and the art of flirting. Its playful lyrics and infectious melody capture the excitement of meeting someone new and exploring the possibilities that come with connection. Whether you interpret it as a romantic anthem or as a broader representation of connecting with others in various aspects of life, one thing is for sure – “Flirt” remains an enduring and enjoyable song that continues to captivate listeners.
